Friday, January 16, 2009

rat race

The other day, after two crazy work days, dropping and picking the Gig up from the babysitter's, and dropping off and picking up each other from work, Matt commented that we had officially entered the "rat race" of parenthood. The last two weeks have been a little harried. From the babysitters to work to the gym, I've been so exhausted, and of course the Gig doesn't sleep through the night! The house is in disarray and laundry is piling up, but overall it isn't so bad now that we are getting a little used to the pace. It definitely isn't dull. My favorite time is at night when the Gig watches us make dinner in her seat and then after dinner we see who can make her giggle for the longest stretch (Matt always wins).

Here are two pictures Matt took while we were in NYC that I love:

Dreams are going so cheap right now.


familia Bybaran said...

Wow. Life does get totally insane sometimes when you are trying to juggle. I love the pictures--way to catch the irony.

Anonymous said...

Even not working our life is a rat race! You've got such lovely out look and attitude, Celeste, and you're right, it's soo not boring! I love the photo of Gigi and the rat--the kids are going to go crazy over it. We miss you and the Gig sooo badly. The kids are begging to come down in march just to see the baby girl. Don't you love those photos of the three of them snuggled on the bed? I think that will be a keeper.

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Phew! You do look forward to those moments in the day.

This is such well-crafted post, Celeste. Even on very little sleep you are producing great writing!

Ellis is excited that Gigi has the same rat she does.

Deborah Barlow said...

Outstanding photos. Hats off to Matt.