Thursday, April 9, 2009

peeps show II

Check out the second annual Peeps Show here. We are having our own peeps diorama competition this Easter Sunday. Matt and I are still brainstorming ideas. Any suggestions?


Ellen said...

I think peeps in trench coats is a funny idea - a scene from a Hitchcock thriller or other spy movie? But where would you find little trench coats?
Or opera? A Brunhilde with the horned-helmut?
Emo-peep with eyeliner?
Seven Samuri?
Meth-lab peep?
New York subway scene - I think a peep with a messenger bag is also funny.
Michael Phelps - not sure how...
Blagojevich with the big hair? He could be holding a peep hostage and saying, "I've got this peep and it's gold. I'm not just giving it away for *&$^# nothing."
Okay, I need to go to bed.

christina q thomas said...

celeste, better show ellen the one based off The Bird's (my fave, so far).