Tuesday, September 9, 2008

daily show: vagina-american

I love Jon Stewart's commentary on Sarah Palin. Maybe laughter will bring labor on? Pretty please?


Fritz said...

Again, I am channeling you: I just sent this clip to Dave a few days ago. Tell that Maud (that's what I'm calling tiny human) I can't wait to meet her!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

What about Maude, with an "e" as a combo of L.M. Montgomery and her sprightly heroine? I know how much Matt loves Anne of Green Gables...

Celeste, this was excellent. I haven't had a dose of John Stewart humor since the Academy Awards.

Come on down, you Beautiful Baby you!

Deborah Barlow said...

Celeste, if outrage helps bring on labor, you'll be delivering in no time. Don't get me started, I've written a mouth full on my own blog... So here's to a swift and fabulous birthing.

christina q thomas said...

loud guffaws are echoing through the entire house.

and why isn't Biddy at the top of your name list, eh?