Tuesday, May 26, 2009

baptism at the spiral jetty

Last month we took a little Sunday trip out to Robert Smithson's art earthwork, the Spiral Jetty. It was an alien landscape, beautiful and unfamiliar in that west desert of the Great Salt Lake. Geege liked it too, except for the bugs. We drove as far as we could on the dirt road until the terrain made it impossible to continue, then we walked a little ways to the Jetty. The water had receded some, but there were still pink/orange pools and colorful swirls of brine shrimp.


christina q thomas said...

yay! i love it when others make it to my personal obsession! i want to go there right now! last time i went the whole thing was encrusted in blinding salt crystals and the water was about a hundred yards out! now we need to go find the sun tunnels!

Deborah Barlow said...

Great photos Celeste. It's one of my all time favorite spots.

Anonymous said...

I loved the photos! I always wanted to go there. The kids have been doing the Gigi face when they held out a toy to her (and then gleefully making the noise). I am so glad that life is good for you and Matt. These days seem like they are rich and full of happiness (well, when you're not getting a sliver putting Gig to bed!).

Becca Ricks said...

wow, that looks incredible! i've never been to the spiral jetty