Thursday, May 3, 2007


Growing up Matt's family had good friends who lived on a farm in Switzerland (complete with goats!). From this idyllic setting emerged one of our now favorite Thomas family recipes: mueslix. Now I'm not talking about the stuff you buy at the health food store that comes in a box, I'm talking about the real McCoy. A few years ago I happened to introduce Betsy to this recipe and she turned into a mueslix-nazi, going so far as to take her mueslix with her on trips and refusing to eat anything but her homemade mueslix for breakfast every morning. If you don't believe me, ask her about it (she'll bear her mueslix-testimony for you). Then I found out that my brother Christian got hooked as well. I can understand the appeal, but I can't eat it everyday; it has so much fiber it is like getting a colonic. I thought I would post the recipe because I just finished making it to bring to my potluck breakfast at work tommorow. Matt and I often eat it for dinner in the summer too, especially on a hot day; if eaten for dinner we serve it with cheese toasts on the side made with delicious Crumb Brothers bread.

Here's the recipe:
3 cups oatmeal
3/4 cups wheat germ
1/2 cup ground almonds
1 fresh lemon squeezed
1 fresh orange squeezed
1 28 oz bottle of sliced peaches with juice
1 granny smith apple grated (peel and all)
1 pkg frozen raspberries
1 container plain yogurt
vanilla extract
almond extract

Mix all together then sweeten with honey or brown sugar to taste. You can also add any other fruits you like.

1 comment:

Liz Stanley said...

mom's obsession with mueslix started in zermott, switzerland. we had some for breakfast in the hotel and she was obsessed about finding a recipe ever since.