Saturday, June 30, 2007

my summer reading list

Matt makes his high school students create their own reading lists based on research they do using books they already like. For my birthday (in Jan) I asked Matt to make me a reading list (as I have very little time and hate doing the legwork). I didn't get the list until last month, so I thought I would post it. I have already started in on the first two books. If any of you have an opinion about any of these, please post them and we can compare notes. Or if you have something to add you think I would like, my list is eternally growing.

Travels in West Africa by Mary Henrietta Kingsley

One Last Look by Susanna Moore

King Solomon's Mines by Tahir Shah

Empress by Shan Sa

The Botany of Desire by Micheal Pollan

Why is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality by Jared Diamond

Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist-The Facts of Daily Life in Nineteeth-Century England by Daniel Pool

Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen

West with the Night by Beryl Markham

Howard's End by E.M. Forster

On Beauty by Zadie Smith

To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeanette Walls

Letters to a Spiritual Seeker by H.D. Thoreau

A High Wind in Jamaica by Richard Hughes

Voyage in the Dark by Jean Rhys

Carried Away: A Selection of Stories by Alice Munro

Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence


Becca Ricks said...

I can't say I've read any of the books on your list (though my own list seems to be stretching further and further), but I saw the film of "Howard's End" with Emma Thompson last week, and thought it pretty good! Not quite as good as "Room with a View", just different.

Ellen said...

Becca, few things are as good as "Room with a View." I love Jared Diamond's "Gun, Germs, and Steel" and would be interested to know what you think of his book on sex. You should post your recommendations after you finish.
I have an unrecommendation: I would say avoid "The Kite Runner" and his new book also. Way over-hyped, with ridiculous coincidences and one-note villains. Does every bad guy have to love Hitler? Why not Stalin for a change. He was pretty bad.

jamieanne said...

Wow. Matt makes a mean list. I'll have to dive in too. Love love love Bridget Jones. I remember picking it up at Heathrow airport years ago, having no clue what it was, and devouring it all the way home.

Ashley A. said...

Ooo...I've needed some summer reading picks. The Bridget Jones books are so much funnier than the movies. I laughed out loud (in public). Room Wwith A View is a good one to revisit although Corey would most definitely prefer I picked up "Why is Sex Fun?"

Lane said...

I LOVE this idea! And what better person for this job than Matt?

I can chime in on "On Beauty" and basically anything by Michael Pollan is excellent in my book.

Of course, per Matt's policy, I'd have to know what else you like reading, but lately I've loved reading Wallace Stegner (pretty much anything by him, really), Milan Kundera (I think Matt would like this stuff a lot, actually, probably already does), and Olivia just gave me "Who will take care of the Frog Hospital?" by Lorrie Moore. And everyone who loves words even a little should read Lorrie Moore.

Uh oh. You got me started.

ali said...

I'm with Lane on Stegner and Kundera. But I think I'll be opting for your list.

Deborah Barlow said...

Such a great idea, posting your custom book list. I hope you'll be writing about your response to these books as you read them. That's a discussion I look forward to having, especially about some of my favorites (as well as a few titles on this list that I too want to get to soon.)